Waveform Engineering in mm-Wave Integrated Circuits




The mm-wave frequency spectrum has gained prominence in recent years to support high-data rate energy efficient wireless communication for the future 5G standards and other IoT applications. Mass-deployment and adoption of such technologies rely on silicon integration of the mm-wave transceivers. However, achieving high data-rates at mm-wave frequencies over long distance wireless links require efficient Watt-level transmitters and power amplifiers – a challenge in low breakdown voltage silicon technologies.

In this presentation, waveform engineering concepts at mm-wave frequencies to realize high power, efficient switching power amplifiers in silicon technologies will be discussed. Transistor stacking in mm-wave switching power amplifiers for enhanced power generation, its benefits, drawbacks and mitigation techniques will be presented.  A dynamic load-modulation technique using dual-state transmission lines will be discussed to demonstrate improved efficiency at backed-off power levels in a Watt-level mm-wave silicon digital power amplifier.


KUNAL DATTA received the B.Tech degree (with Honors) in Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, in 2010, and a Ph. D. degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles in 2016. He is currently with Skyworks Solutions, San Jose, USA. His research interests include integrated millimeter-wave and terra-hertz power amplifiers and transmitters.

Mr. Datta was the recipient of the USC Provost Fellowship (2010-2014), IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTTS) Graduate Fellowship Award in 2014, and IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) Pre-doctoral Achievement Award in 2014. Mr. Datta was a Ming Hsieh Institute Scholar in 2014-2015.