2020 5G and Beyond & 25th Anniversary Celebration


Zoom Video Conference


Theresa Lachman, tlachman@eng.ucsd.edu


The Center for Wireless Communications (CWC) at UC San Diego will be celebrating its 25th anniversary and holding its eighth annual "5G and Beyond" Forum on November 12-13, 2020. The theme of this year’s event is "Innovating 5G - Envisioning 6G." Considering the current circumstances due to COVID-19, we will organize the Forum online. The Forum will discuss innovations and challenges in a variety of areas, including circuits, sensing, communication, and networking, as well as the role big data and AI will play in the next generations of networks and devices. The Forum will also discuss how user experiences and new applications, like connected health, smart transportation, smart manufacturing and immersive multimedia, can inform and benefit from current 5G innovations and lead to  future 6G advancements. As in our previous Forums, industry leaders and experts from different industry segments, together with experts from academia, will participate as speakers and panelists. The Forum will conclude with a planning session to decide on new research projects which will help shape wireless innovations in CWC, member companies, and beyond. 




Thursday, November 12, 2020
TIME (Pacific Time) TITLE WHO



Sujit Dey, Director, CWC, UC San Diego

Al Pisano, Dean, Jacobs School of Engineering, UC San Diego

Bill Lin, Professor, Chair ECE Department, UC San Diego


"Future Technology and Research Trends"

"5G: Create the Plan"

Erik Ekudden, Group CTO, SVP and Head of Technology & Strategy, Ericsson

Jason Inskeep, Director, 5G Center of Excellence, AT&T


"The Future of Data and AI"

Hillary Ashton, Chief Product Officer, Teradata


Session 1

AI and Wireless-Inseparable Future

Artur Borycki, Sr. Dir. Innovations and Advance Development, Teradata (Chair)

Mallik Tatipamula, CTO, Ericsson Group Function Technologies & Architectures, Ericsson

Haralabos (Babis) Papadopoulos, Principal Research Fellow, DOCOMO Innovations

Bhaskar Rao, Professor, UC San Diego


Lunch Break


Session 2

CWC 25th Anniversary:  Looking Back Last 25 Years - Looking Forward Next 25 Years

Martha Dennis, President, CEO, and Co-Founder, WaveWare Communications (Chair)

Larry Milstein, Professor, UC San Diego

Ramesh Rao, Professor, UC San Diego, Director, Qualcomm Institute

Pamela Cosman, Professor, UC San Diego

Lawrence Larson, Sorensen Family Dean, School of Engineering, Brown University

Anthony Acampora, Emeritus Professor, UC San Diego

Bhaskar Rao, Professor, UC San Diego

Alon Orlitsky, Professor, UC San Diego

Sujit Dey, Director, CWC, UC San Diego


"Spectrum Challenges for Next Generation Wireless Systems: The Need for Better Coexistence"

Monisha Ghosh, CTO, FCC


Session 3

Spectrum Innovation Roadmap: Opportunities and Challenges

David Whelan, Professor of Practice, UC San Diego, VP and CTO Boeing Defense, Space and Security (Ret) (Chair)

Ramesh Rao, Professor, UC San Diego, Director, Qualcomm Institute

Monisha Ghosh, CTO, FCC

Alan Norman, Public Policy Director, Facebook

Preston Marshall, Principle Wireless Architect, Google Wireless, Google


Session 4

Circuits for 5G and Beyond

Gabriel Rebeiz, Professor, UC San Diego

Ian Galton, Professor, UC San Diego

Patrick Mercier, Associate Professor, UC San Diego

Peter Asbeck, Professor, UC San Diego

Hanh-Phuc Le, Assistant Professor, UC San Diego




Friday, November 13, 2020

TIME (Pacific Time) TITLE WHO


Sujit Dey, Director, CWC, UC San Diego

9:50am-10:10am "Communication Beyond 5G and into the 6G Era"

Amitava Ghosh, Nokia Fellow and Head, Radio Interface Group, Nokia Bell Labs


Session 5

Convergence of 5G, Edge Compute and AI for Industrial IoT Applications

Prith Banerjee, CTO, Ansys (Chair)

Vish Nandlall, VP Technology Strategy and Ecosystems, Dell

Mallik Tatipamula, Chief Technology Officer, Ericsson Group Function Technologies & Architectures, Ericsson

Animashree Anandkumar, Bren Professor at Caltech and Director of ML Research at NVIDIA

Dinesh Verma, IBM Fellow and Department Group Manager, IBM


Session 6

RF Safety:  How Safe Will 5G Deployments Be?

Gilbert Amelio, Chairman, RF Check (Chair)

Robert Cleveland, Scientist EMF Consulting

Xinyu Zhang, Associate Professor, UC San Diego

Daniel Jaurigue, President RF Check

Dennis McColl, Associate Fellow, MTCE RF Systems, Verizon

11:40am-12:00pm Lightning Talks

CWC Students

12:00pm-12:50pm Lunch Break and Poster Sessions

CWC Students (Zoom links provided)



"5G and The Path to Autonomous Mobility"

David Graham, Chief Innovation Officer, City of Carlsbad, (Chair)

Arvin Singh, Managing Director, Connected Solutions, Verizon Business Group


Session 7

Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: Sensor Fusion and mmWave based V2X

Sujit Dey, Director, CWC, UC San Diego

Truong Nguyen, Professor, UC San Diego

Dinesh Bharadia, Assistant Professor, UC San Diego

Xinyu Zhang, Associate Professor, UC San Diego


Session 8

Multimedia Innovations Enabled by 5G and Beyond

Naresh Soni, CTO, Tsunami XR (Chair)

Diego Medina, VP Innovation & Partnerships, ViacomCBS

Chienchung Chang, Vice President, Multimedia R&D, Qualcomm

Madhukar Budagavi, Senior Director Multimedia R&D, Samsung Research America

Adam Gould, SVP Product Management, Inseego



"Driving the 5G Technology Evolution Towards 6G"

"Road to Beyond 5G and 6G"

Roger Nichols, 6G Program Mgr, Keysight Technologies (Chair)

John Smee, Vice President of Engineering, Qualcomm

Charlie Zhang, Senior Vice President of Standard and Mobility Innovation Lab. Samsung Research America


Session 9

"What will the 6G Roadmap 2020-2030 Look Like?"

John Smee, Vice President Engineering, Qualcomm

Charlie Zhang, Sr. Vice President, Samsung Research America

Amitava Ghosh, Nokia Fellow and Head, Radio Interface Group, Nokia Bell Labs

Ali Khayrallah, Director of Research, Ericsson

Sujit Dey, Director, CWC, UC San Diego


CWC Board of Directors Meeting

Board Members only

