
High Efficiency Power Amplifiers for 5G and 6G Millimeter-Wave Applications

Principal Investigator
Project Description

Power amplifier performance continues to be an important issue for mm-wave 5G and 6G system design and deployment.  This project will investigate techniques for improving maximum power, back-off efficiency and linearity in power amplifiers for 5G and 6G, with target frequencies including 28 GHz, 70-90 GHz and 140 GHz.  The investigation will include CMOS-SOI, SiGe HBT, GaN FET and InP HBT technologies, benchmarking circuits by simulation and supported with IC fabrication where appropriate.

For CMOS-SOI, we will extend our work in aggressive power combining, along with techniques to address limitations set by reliability and heat-sinking.  For III-V technologies, we will explore options for differential amplifiers with back-off efficiency enhancement techniques. Linearity improvement will be addressed primarily by adaptive predistortion, including the possibility of digitally-controlled wide bandwidth analog predistortion.
